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Brazil Nut Crusted Chicken Recipe

Fall Holidays Posted on October 17, 2022

Written By Sam Henselijn

Brazil Nut Crusted Chicken. This recipe requires very little ingredients and is easy to make. Read below on how to make this brazil nut crusted chicken in just a few steps!

Ingredients Brazil Nut Crusted Chicken

  • Wholemeal sourdough bread
  • Trimmed English spinach (1 punch)
  • Extra virgin olive oil (¼ cup)
  • Fresh oregano (4 sprigs)
  • Fresh thyme (4 ½ sprigs)
  • Thin wedges, half and brown onion (1)
  • Cherry truss tomatoes (240g)
  • Vine-ripened tomatoes (4)
  • Halved Roma tomatoes (4)
  • Large chicken breast filets (2 of 500g)
  • Plain greek-style yogurt (¼ cup)
  • Finely grated lemon rind (1 teaspoon)
  • Finely grated parmesan (2 tablespoons)
  • Crushed garlic clove (1)
  • Brazil nuts (½ x 150g packet)

Method Brazil Nut Crusted Chicken

Set the nuts and place them in a food processor to become finely chopped. Add the lemon rind, parmesan, garlic, and nuts to a plate and mix well. Then add pepper, and salt for good seasoning, then mix. 

Put the yogurt in a dish and the chicken in the yogurt, and add the nut mixture to it by pressing. Next, take the combination to a plate and cover it. Take it to the refrigerator, where it needs to stay for about 30 minutes.

Put the onion and tomatoes in a large roasting pan while you ensure the oven is preheated to 160°C/140°C fan-forced afterward. Add the oregano and thyme to the pan; then spread 2 tablespoons of oil in the pan. 

Add pepper and salt for seasoning, then allow to roast till the tomatoes turn tender. This process usually occurs for 1 hour and 30 mins. Put in the spinach when the mixture has only about 5 minutes left to cook. Afterward, remove it from the oven and use foil to cover it.

Set the oven at 200°C/180°C fan-forced while you add the oil to the frying pan and heat using medium-high heat. Let the chicken cook until both sides turn golden, which takes about 3 minutes for each side.

Next, put the combination in a baking paper-lined baking tray and bake in the oven till the chicken cooks well. The cooking process may take about 10-12 minutes. Afterward, you must allow yourself to stand for 5 minutes. 

Set out your pan and add the tomato mixture before adding the sliced chicken. Spread some more oregano and thyme if you wish, then serve the meal with bread and any drink of your choice (if necessary).

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